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Getting Started with Agile Task Board for Teams

Welcome to the Agile Task Board for Teams!

To help you get started quickly, we have prepared a comprehensive video tutorial that walks you through the initial steps of setting up and utilizing the Agile Task Board in Teams:

Confirm the authorization request of the Agile Task Board for Teams application

During the initial setup of the Agile Task Board in your Microsoft 365 (M365) tenant, you will be prompted to provide consent for the app. This consent is necessary for the Agile Task Board to communicate with SharePoint Online and the Microsoft Graph, enabling seamless integration and access to necessary resources.

Please note that the consent must be granted by each user individually or by the administrator on behalf of all users. It is important to ensure that all users participating in the Agile Task Board have granted the necessary consent.

  • Microsoft Graph

    Sites.Manage.All (Delegated)Read and write items and lists in all site collections
    User.Read (Delegated)Sign in and read user profile
    User.ReadBasic.All (Delegated)Read all users' basic profiles
    Tasks.ReadWrite (Delegated)Work with Planner plan's and task's
    TeamsActivity.Send (Delegated)Send messages to teams activity
  • SharePoint

    AllSites.Manage (Delegated)Read and write items and lists in all site collections
    TermStore.ReadWrite.All (Delegated) (Admin consent)Read and write managed metadata

Certain functionalities within the Agile Task Board, such as working with managed metadata, require elevated permissions that only an administrator can grant. If you need to utilize these specific functions and do not have the necessary rights, it is recommended to reach out to your administrator and request them to grant the required permissions.

The administrator will be able to assess the appropriate level of access and determine if granting the rights aligns with your organization's policies and security considerations.

Admin Consent

Consenting through Microsoft is a third-party process that will not affect user association within the Agile Task Board.

To consent through Microsoft, follow these steps:

  1. A global admin must use this link to the Microsoft sign-in page.
  2. Sign in with his global admin credentials.
  3. After signing in, the Permissions requested page will show more details on the consent permissions.
  4. Click Accept.